
Do you have commitment to get done the “task”  you want done so bad?

As we all know, the calendar pages flip by, no matter what.  It doesn’t matter if we want time to slow down or not.

Our dreams may have been accomplished or not.  The calendar doesn’t really care about your desire for slowing it down.   It continues at its pace.

What is your pace for getting “it” done?

Tonight, I saw a lady who was one of my clients 30 months ago.  At that time, she spoke to me about wanting to have a killer website and an awesome book.  She shared her dreams of what she wanted to accomplish.  We worked together for four months on launching her speaking business.

When I saw her tonight, I asked her if she ever finished her book. 

She shook her head and said sadly, “I still want to do that.”   She asked me, “How many have you written since we worked together?”  I told her I launched my third book six months ago.

She sighed.   She asked, “How quickly can I write a book?”

 Getting done what matters most to you

The questions that comes to mind are not about how fast something can be done, but rather:

  • How badly do we want to get something done?
  • What will we give up in order to create the block of time needed?
  • Are we really ready to do this task?
  • Is it just wishful thinking?
  • Is it limited thinking?

The true question becomes — How committed are we to finishing this task or project? 

I think of the word “commitment” as a BIG word.   Big in the sense that it carries a lot of weight.

You are “all in” with commitment.

You’re willing to put yourself out there in a vulnerable way to commit.

You are willing to be held accountable for what you commit to.

Time passes anyway

I wonder if another 30 months go by and her book will still not be done, if she will still be talking about it or will have given up.

Does she have the perseverance and self-discipline to make it happen?

I hope so. But I doubt it will happen.  I did not see the “fire” in her eyes.

Secrets to staying focused on your commitment

Think through your the ONE task you want to accomplish.   Is it important enough to dedicate “dedicated time”?  If not, then STOP thinking about even doing it.    You are telling yourself a lie and setting yourself up to fail.  No need to keep doing that.

Another way of looking at it is — Are you just trying to keep up with others?  For example, other speakers have a book so I must also.   Ask yourself WHY do I want to get this task done?    If the WHY is not strong enough, drop the continued effort of thinking about it.

However, if you are really sure that you want to move forward, then here are some tips to do so:

  1. Determine the first 10 small steps to begin the process. It is easy to procrastinate if we think the project is too big.   The powerful element is getting started.
  2. Find an accountability coach who will help you stay focused.
  3. Set a firm deadline by which you accomplish those 10 small steps.
  4. Once those are done, figure out the next 10.

I work with individuals to get done what matters most.   If you continue to be stuck and have a huge desire, call or email me.    Or read through my book, It’s 6 a.m. and I’m Already Behind: Strategies to Get Caught Up.   Get a copy at

I sincerely hope she does get her book done.  She will feel amazing personal satisfaction.

Time to amp up your commitment!

Honor your promise to yourself.